ScotlandIS always seek to bring you informed advice and information to ensure your business is resilient.
Below you will find resources and commentary on the key issues affecting businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It has been announced by the Scottish Government that anyone developing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, however mild, should self-isolate for 10 days and book a COVID-19 test.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are recent onset of:
- new continuous cough and/or
- fever and/or
- loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste
As of 5th January 2021, mainland Scotland has entered a new lockdown and new guidance has been issued regarding stay-at-home rules:
- You are legally required to stay at home and can leave the house for essential purposes, such as exercise, essential shopping, caring for a vulnerable person, as part of an extended household, or for work or education where this is not possible from home
- You must work from home where possible
- Meeting other households indoors is banned
- Up to two people from two separate households can meet outdoors
- Wear a face covering in public places
- Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water, or use hand sanitiser
- Stay away from vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, as much as possible
Find business support in Scotland
Scottish Government have created an easy to use web portal that includes detailed guidance for businesses of all sizes on available support funding and sector updates
Quick links to resources that can help you
Scottish Government:
UK Government:
Skills Development Scotland:
World Health Organisation:
Coronavirus advice helpline for SME’s in Scotland: 0300 303 0660
Health Protection Scotland:
NHS Inform:
Health and Safety Executive
Health and safety law says employers must take reasonable steps to protect workers. Employers are required to protect the health, safety and welfare of homeworkers who are employees. If you employ homeworkers you should carry out a risk assessment of the work activities and take appropriate measures to reduce any associated risks.
Burness Paull Coronavirus Hub
Burness Paull is closely monitoring the fast developing COVID-19 situation. Their priority is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees, clients and other business contacts, as well as continuing to deliver legal services.
Brodies Coronvirus Hub has FAQs for employers, health and safety and supply chain and contracts.
HR Department
HR Department have produced a useful web guide on how pandemic affects your employees, and your responsibilities as an employer with answers to questions about staff travel, sick pay and more.
COVID-19 News and Updates

What we are doing
In response to the ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19, ScotlandIS have implemented an action plan. The health and wellbeing of all our team, stakeholders, members and communities are of the highest importance to us and we continue to follow guidance and advice from the Scottish and UK Governments, the NHS and the World Health Organisation.
We will:
- Ensure we communicate clearly with all our team, stakeholders and members
- Promote good hand hygiene and ensure appropriate cleansers are available
- Regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces such as telephones, keyboards, door handles, desks and tables.
- Introduce a policy to allow employees to work remotely when required
With immediate effect, all visitors to ScotlandIS, or team members at external meetings, will be asked to confirm:
- That they are not experiencing flu-like symptoms – cough, fever, shortness of breath
- That they have not travelled to any Tier 3 or Tier 4 areas within the last 14 days or had close contact with anyone who has
- That they have not met anyone who has tested positive for the virus
ScotlandIS Covid19 Plan
Level 1: No or minor disruption to ScotlandIS services. Aware of, and assessing the situation. Business as usual.
- Regular communication to all staff, customers and suppliers.
- Precautionary measures, including visitor assessment, good hand hygiene, and display of prominent information
- Team members can work from home
- Events rescheduled
- Ongoing monitoring
Level 2: Increased disruption, maintaining business continuity.
- Regular communication to all staff, customers and suppliers
- Remote working enabled for all ScotlandIS team
- External meetings at each team members discretion
- Events rescheduled
- Ongoing monitoring
Should you require any additional information or have any questions at all please contact our COO Karen Meechan